I'm so glad you're here.
I offer energetic healing and massage therapy with genuine connection, empathy and warmth. In our sessions you'll feel understood and deeply comforted, and come away with the knowledge you are in control of your life, emotions, thoughts and health.
Energetic healing helps with -
- Challenges & stress, from everyday events through to significant trauma
- Increased feelings of calm, peace & happiness which reduce conditions such as anxiety, depression & insomnia
- Letting go of emotions, thoughts and beliefs which cause distress
- Physical symptoms, which are the body's way of alerting us to blocked or negative energy
I would love to help you!
My name is Ruth :)
Combining what I've learned creates a complete and holistic solution to clients' "dis-ease" that cares for mental, emotional, physical, and energetic / spiritual bodies.
Alongside the skills I trained for, I also intuit areas of stress, pain and trauma, and can see in the body where causes of suffering can be cleared. My power to heal accelerates by providing a deeply empathetic and loving space, where clients feel safe and nurtured on every level of their being.
I’m a critical thinker and love “scientifically proven” healing methods! For physical pains and illness, many people find symptom relief is only a temporary cure because our bodies are a reflection of our stored emotions. These energetic blockages disrupt the physical body’s ability to maintain health, and symptoms may reappear or manifest in another way, preventing us living a full, free and happy life.
There are many studies which prove the link between our mental, emotional and physical health systems, and on an energetic level quantum physics has shown our bodies and the entire universe are made purely of energy. Scientists in recent years are becoming more and more intrigued by “alternative” modalities, with exciting studies proving the efficacy of many techniques. This ancient wisdom is in fact so effective it has withstood the test of time with over 5,000 (known) years of practice, and globally today more than 50% of people rely on alternative medicine to optimise their health.
While all the research and case studies are fascinating, the ultimate proof of efficacy for me comes from what I witness with clients.
- Anxiety & stress fading away, replaced with optimism, certainty & motivation
- Relief from physical symptoms such as skin conditions, swelling, aches & pains clearing
- Deep sleep restored
- Vitality, calm and happiness restored every session!
I would love to help you live this way too!
With love, Ruth

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